Gay is a definition for mlm and nmlnm! (Man loving man and non-men loving non-men) She/Her gays are valid as long as they do not identify as a female.
Person : Hey dude. I think I’m gay.
Another dude : but don’t you use she/her?
Person : yes, but I don’t identify as a female
Another dude : oh that makes sense! I support you!
gay is a term people use for someone who likes the same sex like a boy and a boy having the devis tango is gay
is he gay?
Someone who wants sexual pleasure. The need to love another person of the same gender.
Synonym: Johnson Zheng
Antonym: Justin Lam, Jasdeep Rattttaaaata
"Stop touching me you gay boy!", "Not my privates you gay kid!"
FloofyGhost the niche microcelebrity for genshin
“Hey have you watched floofyghost” Venti
“Yeah theyre Gay”