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Cheetoh Face

People with really bad acne; bumpy gross looking face

Dale asked a girl to homecoming but, she no you have a cheetoh face... Dale was sad.

by Ballchomper69 October 13, 2013

donut faced Bitch

Spray tan round faced double chin bitch

That donut faced bitch was looking at me

by Boatonredd218 February 12, 2017


when proven wrong people usually say this in order to rub it in your face that they proved you wrong

"He was gay I tell you"
"then why is he kissing that girl?"

by AARgeek January 22, 2004


When you put your hand over somebody's face.

When I walked into the kitchen and saw that baby, I faced it so hard. He almost started crying.

by The White Kevin Cosner February 4, 2021


Getting cracked in the face followed by being thrust across the room with a hard push. Usually whilst doing this you would shout the word 'FACED'

You walk down the street and some little kid kicks you in the leg, you turn around and push his face into a wall, whilst falling to the floor in pain and saying FACED.

by S.J.R August 12, 2005


to give more face than (be prettier than/ rank someone out who doesn't have as good of a face)

person 1: yeah, zack chose sophie over sarah
person 2: i mean.. i would've too
person 1: true bro sophie totally faced her

by June 2, 2022

Stucco Face

A girl with acne on her face who when applying makeup resembles a freshly stuccoed building.

Damn did you see that girl? Shes got a rocking body, but she’s got stucco face.

by Ike the genius March 24, 2022