An unpopular pseudonym of the inhabitants of Mavin Street that commonly break the Enforced Edging Decree.
“Look here come the Sultans of Sex!”
something you have never had
or the gender of your non existant girlfriend
i am sex.
i am the definition.
person 1: you’re so sexy
person 2: i am not just sexy, Susan. i. am. sex. itself.
person 1: IT CAN’T BE!!
Here’s a nice way how to tell your kids how sex works without it being awkward
subtract the clothes divide the legs, imagine it being a pencil sharpener, you then pull out the hard pencil and put it in the sharpener and things will proceed to happen, the yelling and moaning that is happening is a perfect sound you wanna hear from the female subject
And that’s how sex works kids, just make sure to wear protection when doing it
Sex means Six in Swedish..
Jag har sex bananer. Translation
I have six bananas.
They whispered stuff to each other and kissed then got down to business. He started touching Linda’s buttons then opening it and grapping her boobs. Me and Cl and P were perplexed to say the least. They stripped and he put his hand on her pussy. He started slowly rubbing up down, side to side, faster and Faster! She was shivering with pleasure and then let out a small gasp. He covered her mouth and climbed on her, rubbing even FAster. FASter, FASTer, FASTEr, and FASTER!!! Until she burst into a moan auuughhH!!
He put his Fat penis in her respiring hole leading to nonstop pleasure moaning. Going in, out, in, out, then finally completely in as if it had eaten it. It was magical! She was quivering with sweat on her boobs and her pussy drank up the rush of cum escaping. sex