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To jerk your cock, masturbate.

I had to fap this morning after my long piss.

by Matt Jenks June 28, 2016


F. A. P. Short for : For Academic Purposes

Used to find out about someone in order to masturbate without having to say you are going to but clearly are

What's the name of that pornstar FAP?

I need to know that name for academic purposes.

by Tibbarium August 20, 2020


Is a male masturbation. It is used when a male is pleasuring themselves sexually after seeing or looking at erotic women in public or on the Internet. Fapping may also be used to reduce some stress level, but is more common when a male is sexually attracted to beautiful women they see.

Hot female: "I heard him fapping in his room, and then the next minute I heard him groaning."

by Wolf & Women November 28, 2019


Noun; Acronym for FINGERS and PALM. USING. The hand (palm and fingers) to materurbate

To fap, Using his fingers and rosy palm he fapped it out

by AngryCouple13 December 6, 2021



im fapping goddamit

by CJA123iscool February 24, 2023


How suburban white boys who play tennis and Lacrosse and get brand new cars for their 16th birthday say jacking off.

Hey Hubert you coming to tennis lessons today?

Yeah, right after I fap.

by Fatdickmcstuffins July 25, 2019


Fat ass pussy

Girl got a FAP. That camel toe is always showing

by FAP and Proud March 15, 2022