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licking the fire

the act of smoothering a person in bannanas foster lighting them on fire and licking it all of as the fire burns

i was licking the fire with my boyfriend last night and it was hot

by lohikan!! August 25, 2007

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Licking stamps

What every gay ass does instead of licking pussies.

Why you looking at my girl and licking stamps

by Fortnitebitch January 10, 2019

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Basically saying u gave head or a blowjob

Janelle-wys? did anything happen last night between you guys?!

Amy-ya I gave him lick-o fham.

by alzayyad September 22, 2017

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Licking taint

When you’re/someone (is) kissing ass so much to get something for so long that you’re no longer kissing ass you’re licking taint.

(Trying to achieve something by sucking up to someone, but having to double the amount of sucking up, to advance on the reaching of ones goal.)

(Relates to terms like, ass kissing, suck my dick, suck a left nut/tit, screw you, gtfo, and lick my balls ( ligma ). )

Bro Jordan has been kissing Sarah’s ass for months, now he’s just licking taint.

by Goatking69420 August 1, 2018

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hit a lick

Action of stoling something from a school. This expression went viral thanks to many tiktoks showing how people steal fire extinguisher, lockers, video projector and even hand washbasin.

They just hit a lick, they took the schools lockers to home.

by Arai 4G September 20, 2021

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Chode Lick

1. One who engages in tongue to chode activities.
2. One who appreciates the size of the chode presented to them, so much so as to put it in their mouth.

"Man brian is a real chode lick...... he licked kodi's chode dry!"

I met this kid Brian last night...... what A chode lick he is!"

"Brian really appreciated the size of that chode alright......"

by K Rob07 September 4, 2008

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360 Clit Lick

When a person of very high oral skills and passion, uses tongue to circle around the clitoris In a 360 degree circular motion. Switching back and forth from clockwise to counter clockwise. When executed correctly a sure big O will be achieved for the lucky woman receiving the Oral Mastery

I had that Hot serial dating slut from Tinder I took home on the first date, from the moment I hit her with the 360 Clit Lick

by GIRTHQUAKE72 November 8, 2019

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