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Okafor's law

The ability to chop toto at any given time of your wish if your prick don create sensational experience. you go just dey knack for free

John reunited his love through Okafor's law

by African Joker January 5, 2022

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Sawyer's Law

When somebody believes that any beer within their proximity is rightfully theirs.

"After nick had a couple of drinks last night he turned into a beer monster, drinking any beer he could get his hands on. His always following Sawyer's Law!"

by Da Filth March 9, 2009

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law abider

those who abide by the laws.

Law makers should be law abiders at the same time.

by john zhu November 30, 2013

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Dick In Laws

When two or more men have had sex with the same woman.

Person A: Did you hear that Brett got with Brittany last night?
Person B: Really? Holy shit! That mean's we're Dick In Laws!
Person A: You slept with her too?
Person B: Hehehehe.

by The Hutt & Dr. Wolfe October 17, 2010

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when you see your wife's dad's penis and it looks the same as yours

You: Woah, I saw your dad's penis and it looked just like mine!

Wife: Aw, honey! You're totes wiener-in-laws!

by Britlyn December 8, 2013

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Maria Law

A title for the radial Christian Evangelical legislative push to force the United States of America to adopt Evangelical Christian ideas and practices.

It is a parallel of the Islamic religious code Sharia Law.

(Maria is Spanish for Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.)

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council wants to end reproductive rights for women and stop gay marriage; he desires the country be under Maria Law.

by Bobtom January 21, 2012

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Eggkin's Law

Any SJW (Social Justice Warrior) parody - no matter how extreme - exists in real life.

Melissa Harris-Perry's channeling of Godfrew Elfwick with her Star Wars criticisms is an example of Eggkin's Law

by Peaceful Idiot December 15, 2015

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