A "nonner", someone worth nothing, who does nothing, worthless.
That guy over there? He's just another Bob Smith...don't bother asking him anything.
A sore neck from vigorously bobbing the knob aka sucking dick too much.
Rachel had the bob neck so bad from the weekend I had to pay for her to get a massage.
I don’t mind spending the weekend at my cousins house but when my uncle comes around I end up with bob neck.
Used in a bit on the viral sensation that is the SuperMega podcast. This was a bit made by Aronld Hanson from the hit show Game Theory where he parodied an episode of Seinfeld. The definition of this word is unclear, BUT you don't wanna get schmigg bobbed! Or do you? This word my have racial origin.
"You don't want to get schmigg bobbed Jerry."
"Oh you don't want to get schmigg bobbed!"
"Getting schmigg bobbed aint so bad."
The act of oral anal stimulation rimming; with reference to the discovery of undigested kernels of corn. Akin to bobbing for apples, but with scatological undertones. The phrase has its origins in the West Midlands.
Nick: Tom, you’ve got something stuck in your teeth.
Tom: Sorry yeah I’ve been bobbing for corn.
Nick: So I guess that’s not chocolate around your mouth.
Tom: No, Nick. It is not.
A great name to use when one wishes to remain anonymous in a case when one wishes to troll, and all other means of anonymity fail; meant to be used tactically when appropriate.
- "hello, this is pizza hero"
- "uh yeah, can I get 20 pizzas to 123 Smith St.?"
- "yeah, what's your name?"
- "uh...Robert, or bob if you prefer"
- "what's your last name?"
- "Onminob"
- "Okay Bob Onminob, your pizzas will be ready in approximately two hours"
A person of such low intelligence that harsher insults wouldn’t be appropriate because they're too stoopid to understand.
Liotta couldn’t figure out how to plug in a lamp, what a Dumbo-Bob!
(n.) 1. Director, producer, actor, and creator of the short webisode series known as "Mitchell the Intergalactic Space Traveler."
2. The Patron Saint of Cookie Breaks
(v.) To try to break free of a confined space, especially in an erratic or frenzied manner.
Did you see Ryan trying to bust out of the van?!
Yeah he was being a total Fuzzle Bob!