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Clam Beat

The rhythmic pulsation of the female genitalia in response to stimulation via either an external source or in some cases the mere thought of a sexual encounter. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by the excretion of bodily fluids stated colloquially as "clam chowder."

At first I didn't think Jackie was that in to me until the clam beat started up, from there on out it was like Ivar's up in the bitch.

by willywiggles April 10, 2012

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Clam Deuce

When two women lay down, and interlock legs like scissors and bump clams. A slow jam will be playing with a lit candle nearbye.

Hey Chris, those two chicks on the video are all wrapped up, moaning and groaning rubbing clams together. I see a candle, and hear a lovely slow jam. Well Andrew, my tiny child size friend, that right there is the Clam Deuce. Don't you forget it!

by Rosh507 January 15, 2015

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Clam Packed

The act of forcing all of your penis into the women's vagina in one powerful thrust.

Jack: Yo Matt, how was Chelsea last night?

Matt: Dude, it was awesome, I clam packed her at least 10 times!

by Matthew Paglia September 30, 2011

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Clam chatter

When a woman is pounded so often and so hard her pussy chatters as she walks.

Joe: I swear the boss has clam chatter.
Doug: Is that what I hear when she walks down the hall?
Joe: yeah, I think it's because Paul's been pounding that several times a day.
Doug: wow! That old man can still put it out.

by Clamer September 3, 2017

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Clam Cam

The female equivalent of a dick pic. A photo of your snatch.

"My boyfriend loved the clam cam I sent him last night."

by JUNGLE_PUMPKIN_69 March 20, 2017

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Sad Clam

A frowning vagina, IE: a vagina with an oddly, visible and prominent curvature. The curvature resembles a sad face, much like a crying clown holding a balloon. An unpleasant vagina, one that nobody would like to see.

"Daaaamn, did you see the busted vagina on her?" "Yeah, that's a sad clam, Rodger!" Also see: ham wallet

by Captain JynX March 13, 2011

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clam snapping

When a vagina slams shut on your finger and you cant get it out, can also apply to a penis or another object.

I had issues with some serious clam snapping last night, we had to go to hospital.

by Quickstix45 January 29, 2015

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