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A nickname given to policemen. "Cop" is short for "copropheliac", given due to their marked interest in the worst elements (the excrement) of our society, and the things that they tend to trade in.

Watch out, here come the cops! They're looking to confiscate our shit!

by the.real.geek.neo May 1, 2023


To be angry or pissed of at someone. Anger

Why are you in a cop with me?
What you copping for?
I'm in a cop with Anna

by xbabyabyx December 10, 2007


Cop means do/get

Henry cop reading with me

by Henry cool kid October 25, 2014


A British Slang/Term also used to describe a Food begger. Yk Begs for food outa people??

Look at tha guy bro, Actually a Cop ahlie

by Mechanically Nat on you December 8, 2022


dicks, dont trust them. anyway acab

o crap, the cops are here! run!

by acab_bitch October 9, 2020


Cop mean to actually cop somebody on something they did or say. Basically confronting.

I’m finna cop him for talking bad on my name or I’m have to cop you for saying that shit

by Realistshortylatina January 26, 2019


Something that you wish to buy
Usually used when referring to a clothing item
Can be used as a noun (See example one)

Or as an action (See example two)

"Oi Jackson, what do you think about this blazer?"
"That's a Cop"

"Should i Cop this jumper, Henry?"

"Yeah bro that's fire"

by AverageDuke December 24, 2018