When you like something on twitter or instagram and then immediately unlike it. The person that made the tweet that you like still gets the notification, but it doesn’t show up in your liked tweets so other people can’t see.
Alyssa texted me last night and said Jared drop liked her pic, what a creep.
To remind someone of a chicken is to be an Amanda. Often times Amanda’s can be linked to being like a chicken.
“Amanda reminds me of a chicken.”
“Oh yeah, I totally see it”
To be like a chicken=Amanda
Someone who likes every comment in their post, regardless of what it says. As if they felt the need to distribute likes equally, like a communist.
George just liked every comment, I bet he didn't even read them. What a like commie.
to be asked to do something that isnt necessarily your first hand choice but seeing as there is so much brutal peer pressure it seems like a good idea at the time, so you go ahead with it.
not wanting to skull a jack daniels bottle,
peer pressure and other accompanied drinking members of the band destroyer convincing you it is a great idea.
and going ahead and drikning it and passing out and being sick.
That Becomes Extremely Destroyer-Like
When perusing someone's facebook and you like someone's wallpost, comment, status, or etc. just to make them mad because it's obviously something you don't like.
My girlfriend left me for another guy, so when she changed her relationship status I definitely used a SmartAss-Like on that shit.
A person who unceremoniously posts their content under a post that has the highest number of likes or most up-votes simply to gain undeserved attention or notoriety.
Oh, look, another like leech. Let's click on their link and be best friends forever.
Being <Jesus-Like> is when somebody has pure power or control of there actions.
Man that guy is real powerfull
Man that guy is real <Jesus-Like>