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screen rape

When somebodyy looks at your screen while playing a multiplayer videogame on the same TV. It is used mostly when you see that somebody is in your general area with your peripheral vision and you decide to go kill them by looking at their screen to see where they are. Looking at their controler also gives you the advantage of when they are going to attack. Screen rapers are often caught when your running up behiend someone and they turn around for no reason and kill you unexpectedly and use they crappy excuse that they saw you on radar.

Screen rape!! Screen raper!! You just turned around for no reason right as I went to punch you in the back.

by JT12345 July 5, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

prison rape

1) When a male inmate is raped by a fellow inmate or guard. The rapee is then known as a punk, bitch, fuck boy, etc and usually has long hair and a weak or feminine frame.

2) When a female inmate is raped by a prison guard. Female inmates can also be raped by other inmates but it is less common. Often before or afterwards, they will have to do some type of task or labor for the guard like cleaning an office.

1) Robert got sent to prison for 365 days when he was 18 but experienced prison rape over 500 times during his stay.

2) Janelle was young and pretty so she was raped by two male prison guards in her Oregon state prison.

by newcastle ale December 21, 2010

115๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you ridiculously outscore your opponent in fantasy football.

Person 1: "Did you see how bad Luther raped Trevor this week?"

Person 2: "It figures. Trevor is an emo bitch."

by Luthor! November 23, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rape Train

A "rape train" is the term you use in Call of Duty zombies when you have a massive amount of zombies following you without them hitting you as you rack up points shooting them on the move periodically.

Hey guys, I'm gunna get a rape train going so I can get enough money to pck-a-punch my ray gun.

by xCKxNotajetskix February 14, 2011

774๐Ÿ‘ 370๐Ÿ‘Ž

Camera Rape

The act of sneaking a picture through a cell phone camera or regular camera at an unsuspecting woman in a compromising position.

When Heather bent over to pick up her books Mr.Perv snapped a pic of her fanny. Such a shame the she was camera raped.

by CUTigerfan January 8, 2008

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall rape

when mall vendors try to sell you their product and stop at nothing. This includes grabbing you, verbally harassing you, and blocking your way from leaving until you buy it.

Vendor: hey you! you look like you're in need of a hair straightener!
Woman: no thanks, i really can't stay...
*Vendor grabs woman's arm*
Woman: what are you doing?
Vendor: please, let me show you!
Woman: no! get off!
*vendor releases her arm and grabs her hand leading her over to his booth*
Vendor: your hair will be silky smooth..
*straightens her hair*
Vendor: how many will you buy?
Woman: ..ugh... if you let me leave i'll buy one..
Vendor: SOLD!
Woman: that was such a mall rape.

by mvdizzle34 December 17, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Franchise Rape

When a long-running franchise, with a well-established fanbase, is raped. The rape will always be committed either by a money-hungry outsider with no love for the franchise, or an insider who's totally sold out. Sometimes a franchise can be gang-raped by a combination of the two.

The victim of the rape will always be disfigured beyond recognition by the vast majority of the fanbase, and many have been known to burn their eyes out upon first viewing.

In terms of franchise rape, which film wins: Indiana Jones 4 or Wolverine?

Indy 4 got franchise raped so hard, the entire fanbase has gone blind.

by Fluffyudders May 1, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž