When you use a significant others tears to masterbate or have sex
I whent to my room to tear jerk
When cry and masturbate because you are sad
I went to go tear jerk because Sarah wouldn't hold hands.
The act of a person continuously partaking in sexual activities throughout several days.
Gordon went on an absolute tear last week.
Another word for the Atlanta slang “beat it”
Shayla - “Girl why Tre asked to spin the block again? I told him boy tear!”
Money - “Tearrrr”
A 1337 Hacker by the name of tear
Jane: Have you heard of tear..?
John: No I haven't
Jane: what about cyphed?
John: oh shit it's the cool ass hacking nigga
Admit it you only searched this word so you could see the "Get a TEARS mug for your daddy" ad
No mugs of mine are for tears...they're for crude oil instead ;)
Lacrimal fluid that is expelled from the eyes as small drops, caused by intense emotion, pain, irritation, or nasal congestion
Shedding tears is referred to as weeping if it's quiet, crying if it's a little loud, and sobbing if it's loud.