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Facebook Fly

Facebook Fly: n. a nosey person who lands on your wall, uninvited. Facebook Flies typically do not have a Facebook account themselves but the maggots are able to carry out their mission via the aid of a Facebook Judas. ยฉ

Mom: I heard that you were drinking last night.
Sarah: (shocked) How do you know?!?
Mom: Your Great Aunt Sally told me.
Sarah: How does she know?!?
Mom: She saw it on your Cousin Sue's Facepage.
Sarah: I hate that old nosey Facebook Fly!

by 5ft9andfine September 30, 2010

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Flying Nimbus

When your driving, smoking weed, and it create's a cloud of smoke (nimbus)

I scooped up my people's and we went for a ride in the flying nimbus...

by D-Wills March 31, 2010

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Flying asshat

Jumping over objects to land ass first on someones head, effectivly giving them an asshat.

That dude just jumped over that desk and gave me a flying asshat.

by ch8882002usnavy August 23, 2010

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Flying Squirrel

When your left testicle is stuck to the inside of your left inner thigh and your right testicle is stuck to the inside of your right inner thigh. As a result your testicles resembles the image of a flying squirrel's arms spread far apart with your scrotum and its skin being the skin on the flying squirrel's arms that droops down.
This happens often when you have been sitting down for a long time (like on an airplane or cramped bus/car) and your thighs, testicles, and scrotum start sweating and since you're so cramped and your legs aren't spread far apart, they adhesively stick to both thighs.

Person 1: Wow we've been sitting on this bus for 8 hours.
Person 2: Yeah both of my testicles are sticking to my thighs.

Person 1: Yeah me too, I've got the worst flying squirrel right now.
Person 2: Yeah I wish I could stand up and pry my testicles/scrotum off my thighs.

by yallreadyknowduke April 6, 2015

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Flying Squirrel

When a person who has lost a lot of weight resulting in large skin flaps nibbles your nuts while spreading their arms wide, as if in flight.

I'm glad her gastric bypass was a success, however, bitch look like she swooping from trees and shit when she gobblin' deez nuts. She be giving me a flying squirrel fo' sho'.

by SmellzBellz February 23, 2017

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Flying Sardine

Nickname given to the de Havilland Chipmunk, an British military training aircraft used from 1946 to 1996.

Most of us Tornado Jocks cut our teeth in Flying Sardines.

by JonathanChance September 30, 2003

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fly hek

An FPS hack that accomplishes nothing but getting yourself laughed at, especially when the hacker denies that hes hacking. It's extremely funny to see someone randomly flying through the air and denying having hacks.

ZOMG Y U FLY HEK?????????

by DrLejos December 2, 2009

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