Source Code


Sex means Six in Swedish..

Jag har sex bananer. Translation
I have six bananas.

by Stupidguy420 69 May 29, 2017


Putting Penis in Vagina

They whispered stuff to each other and kissed then got down to business. He started touching Linda’s buttons then opening it and grapping her boobs. Me and Cl and P were perplexed to say the least. They stripped and he put his hand on her pussy. He started slowly rubbing up down, side to side, faster and Faster! She was shivering with pleasure and then let out a small gasp. He covered her mouth and climbed on her, rubbing even FAster. FASter, FASTer, FASTEr, and FASTER!!! Until she burst into a moan auuughhH!!

He put his Fat penis in her respiring hole leading to nonstop pleasure moaning. Going in, out, in, out, then finally completely in as if it had eaten it. It was magical! She was quivering with sweat on her boobs and her pussy drank up the rush of cum escaping. sex

by LilySobiye234 April 11, 2023


what you want to do but cant

make up ur own sentence about sex

by Li Zhanhuo December 12, 2020


something i often have with your mom

"i had sex with your mom last night"

by shouko nishimiya January 14, 2022


I know what it is but im not telling you

You: What is sex?
Me, very smart: I know what sex is but im not telling you.

by Borkymarp September 16, 2021


It's like plugging and unplugging a USB drive, but in human form.

Woman pussy wet. Man dick hard. Man put dick into woman pussy. Man move dick back and forth. Man ejaculate. Sex.

by NiggaFarage September 26, 2023


urban dictionary


by nylonthingy December 11, 2021