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Usually said of a young boy overly protected from his peers by his female-dominated family.

"'Sup with Luke, u think I can bring him to Friday's party?"
"Gee, girl, he's so pussy-walled it'd take another storming of the Bastille to get him outta there!"

by QuiteGoneJin November 20, 2020

coal wall

Coal wall is a wall made from coal, a joke from the 1.18.1 minecraft release.

Thats a big coal wall,

by Skyegamer367 January 24, 2022

Trump’s Wall

A wall Donald Trump wants to build as part of his master plan to grab em by the pussy.

Step 1: Build wall
Step 2: kick out Latino men
Step 3: Easy picking of hot latina chicks

Intelligent person: “The true purpose of Trump’s Wall is something the Fake News Media won’t tell you.”

by Artemboss July 18, 2018

Lick a wall

An insult for an idiot who everyone would be better off if they caught Covid-19.

Piss off and go lick a wall. I wish she would just go find a wall to lick. You can go and lick a wall.

by Lickyloulou January 26, 2022

Wall list

A list of things women need or want to do before they hit the wall.

Getting a tramp-stamp is on her wall list

by Mig-U-el September 8, 2009


(ˈwȯl-krȯl--ləng): Verb. The rural equivalent of mall-crawling. In small or isolated towns where there are no mall, clubs, or real entertainment venues, the denizens will often hang out at the local Wal-Mart to stave off boredom. Since Wal-Mart is generally open 24/7, this can also double as nightlife (for those who aren't too picky).

Example: "My brother and I wanted to drive to Austin and see a show, but I didn't have enough money. So we hit up Taco Bell and then went Wall-crawling."
Example: "I'm about to go Wall-crawling again because there's nothing else to do at 1:30 AM in this town. Please, someone stop me."
Example: "I went Wall-crawling again yesterday night, and I noticed they got new varieties of body wash. This has become my social life." *cries*
Example: "I seen my friends Lurlene and Deniesha at the Wally World last night when we was Wall-crawlin'. We done all tried on bras 'cause we's so bored, but we ditt'n buy none."
"Poor Jimmy, every night since his girlfriend left him he's gone Wall-crawling. And he always does the same thing - goes right down the greeting card aisle, reads them all, and punches the stuffed animals."

by Yachohime August 21, 2013

lag wall

When you're in a game and get blocked from moving a certain way by lag. So, running one way in a game and it suddenly stops you before the lag calms down and let's you run again.

Person 1: dude you suck at this, move forward

Person 2: no I cant, I just hit a lag wall.

by DarkerDemon December 29, 2022