DJ Boyee boye boye is the worlds best MC and producer in all of music. Usually used to compare his greatness to show whatever song is terrible.
dam, J.coles new album is hot, but its still not DJ Boyee boye boye hot
on this day January 1st- December 31st DJ is a bitch ass nigga
Von: aye yk today is national dj a bitch day
tay: ong i ain’t know that
Von: yeah and imma leak that nigga music
A title given to members of the SMITE community, who play the character Ganesha only with the DJ OHM skin.
It can also mean that that person has a lot of swag
X: Dude I like your style. By any chance, are you a DJ OHM type?
Y: You’re damn right I am
May be used as a Noun or Adjective. Referring to a DJ or performer who plays their entire set from a USB device, indicating their lack of performance talent of value.
Look at DJ USB over there on the 1's and 2's, he hasnt touched his turn tables once!
when a man is performing a hand job on a woman, 'scratching a record' on her clit; similarly performed by a DJ.
"I'd really love a DJ Show tonight"
"Can you give me a DJ?"
DJ Burnout is the most wonderful DJ you have ever heard of. With its full sounds, it makes every partypeople dance.
His enormous attraction through his beauty and his appearance should not be forgotten.
Yesterday i Had a great Party!
Then DJ Burnout must have Been there.