When a options trader wants to go all-in on a play without controlling the balance.
Chad: "Chads! I'm about to bet my life savings on a TeslA naked call!!! Long long the king!"
JoshAnswers: "Don't let the Yolo Demon get you! Balance the budget!!!"
A popular Minecraft Youtube Channel created by the legends TheSwagDemon and TheGoldDemon. Unfortunately, The Demons haven't posted in a year due to TheGoldDemon having to deal with Pedophile charges in court.
Hey, have you watched the new video posted by The Demons. They played an intense game of the Hunger Games and they won!
contrary of the saying “fighting demons”
it’s like P1nk the musician said
“ change the voices in your head let them like you instead…”
P!nk is a women loving her demons….
p!nk said love your demons instead….
person 1: mi mente me saca de quicio
Person 2 : loving demons is sometimes better….
person 1 : why?
person 2 : because fighting them only makes them fight back ifl
Another term for speed. The Demons fuel
We hit the Demon Dust lastnight. I still haven't slept yet
Bunch of dumb kids that believe it is for a high ranking gang member/mafia
the noise that comes from yelling into a microphone used often by metal bands
The yelling lead singer just left noise in the air. He was doing nothing but demon screamin'.
When you get jerked off from under the bed
A: she jerked me off from under the bed
B: dude, you got a demon jerk