A.K.A. Slashdotting, Slashdotted, etc.
Refers to the effect a Slashdot post has on a website. Because of slashdot's gigantic audience, any link placed there quickly goes down; very few sites can handle such huge traffic coming to their site.
Though the slashdot effect is similar to a denial of service, most webmasters don't mind the huge publicity and traffic to their site.
190๐ 83๐
Chipmunk Effect is a term used to describe the moment just before you ejaculate and a completely random thought runs through your head. This term came to use after discussing that moment in question and Christopher Scurr of Whitehaven, Cumbria said:
Oh, you mean like when you're proper going for it and then you're like 'AHH CHIPMUNKS!'
Hence, Chipmunk Effect
44๐ 15๐
(Also see "Moses" and "Parting the Red Sea") The Moses Effect is when usually a single man dances in the middle of the dance floor. Slowly he begins to find that the space between him and everyone else increases until he is the only one on the dance floor or one of the few left, but all on his own. What can also happen is along with the spacing, all the girls that are booty-dancing with their guys they turn their guys toward that "Moses" in order to stay clear from "Moses". Besides using men as emotional tampons, this is one of the other worst things girls can do to single guys.
Setting: Club or any modern popular dancing venue.
Man 1 - Oh dang, that sucks..
Man 2 - What?
Man 1 - That Moses out there.
Man 2 - Oh no! Not the Moses Effect!
Man 1 - And now there gone...
11๐ 3๐
The act of making a bad/shitty/cop-out-of-a-sequel or prequel to an originally good movie.
Sarah: Dude, I heard they were making a sequel to jaws.
Steve: I hope they don't apply the Disney effect to it.
11๐ 2๐
Aptly describes the multiplication of Douchebags at a party your hosting. This exponential reproduction usually takes place via txt message or phone call.
Your party begins with 70 people you know and ends with 300 you don't.
Things that are often broken or defaced by those caught up in the douchebag effect include but are not limited to:
Broken Stairs
Broken Floors
Broken Fridges
Broken Windows
Broken Couches
Broken Tables
Broken Speakers
Blood on the walls
Towels used as Toilet Paper
Walls spray painted on
Windows tagged
Stolen Laptops
Stolen Ipods
Stolen Booze
The playing cards you were using to play drinking games with said douchebags in an attempt to make it somewhat enjoyable....... stolen.
Beds peed on
Fire hydrants broken and parts tossed onto your roof.
Nathan: "Hey Tom you recognize any of these 150 people in our living room?"
Tom: "Nope."
Ryan: "They stole my beer and broke our fridge."
Nathan: "Friggin douchebag effect."
22๐ 6๐
From the 2008 movie and book series "Twilight" this is where every girl regardless of age will fall in love wih the main character, Edward Cullen. Somehow women seem to get this unrealistic view that Edward Cullen is a living person and will fall in love with you if you see his movie or read his books enough.
That Edward Cullen is sooooooo cute!
Ohno, Janet has fallen into The Twilight Effect
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Theory that everything matters. That even the flutter of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane on the otherside of the world. If you change even the smallest of life's details, you completely change its outcome.
You should go see the movie butterfly effect.
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