A cute, loyal girl with a beautiful personality! She is the one you can cuddle and chill with. Lucie's will tend to flirt more times than she can remember, but if a Lucie likes you.... you'll know it. Even if you don't like her she will do everything in her possible power to get you to love her. IF YOU HAVE A LUCIE COUNT YOURSELF LUCKY.
Oi, let me get a few hits of Lucie.
Lucie is a short little kinky bitch who needs to stop fucking with the microphone and should already fuck her best friends friend. She writes some weird hentai stuff about a French Lady bug woman from a kids cartoon living out her sexual fantasies that Lucie her self wish she could do. She's still a virgin though which is gross but even more weird is that she is a German.
What the FUCK are you showing me Lucie.
A short little kinky fuck who should stop fucking with the microphone. She hasnt seen any good movies as shes too busy making out with an awesome super perfect Grayson on her friends couch. She also writes some weird hentai stuff about a French Lady bug woman that she wants to fulfill.
Lucie what the fuck is this.
Lucie is a smart girl who usually has brown hair. She is quite small but very attractive and gets the boys. She gives good advice and is really kind to everyone but can also be really funny sometimes. She has blue eyes and has a smile which will light up any room.If you have a Lucie in your life it is important that you hold onto her because they are very rare.
Girl 1: I have a friend called Lucie
Girl 2: I don’t, I wish I did though
She is very courageous and has very smelly farts. No matter, her kindness outweighs her horrendous farts and she's charming. Her farts aren't the only thing you have to watch out for. She's also the gagaball champion from her middle school.
Bro Jomar, did you smell that fart that Lucie absolutely shotgunned at us. Disgusting!
Lucie is the girl who gets all the attention on her in a crowd full of people, not in a bad way, in a good one. Cause she's funny and nice, she takes every chance she gets to make people smile and laugh. She likes good gossips and be a girls girl. Her music taste is incredible. She's scared of engagement and got played by boys a multiple times, but when she loves, she loves hard, maybe like a hopeless romantic.
Lucie's not coming?? Damn this party bout to be lame
Lucie is a woman. Every man's dreams, she's independant, intelligent, beautiful and nice only to the people she loves. She's willing to accomplish great things in the world. As she is the symbol of perfection every man she gets to meet want her. But she always leave, she drive people crazy. Big love stories are not for her, sometimes she gets attached to someone, and it's meaningful, rare like pink Diamond. Lucie is a treasure so don't play with her you will regret it.
Rare like a Lucie
Beautiful / smart/ Nice like a Lucie