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Rolling Stoned

It’s also an upchurch song

β€’Charlie Daniels said you shouldn't go smoke that dope
But hell, I can't help, I love rolling stoned
Yeah, I love rolling stoned - Upchurch
β€’ Bro, we are so rolling stoned tonight

by Smokey.42015 March 11, 2019

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stone shiley

Ruler of a large mass of people. This person envokes fear wherever he/she travels, armies quake in fear of this person.


by joshuita August 17, 2011

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the stoned master

The stoned master is the cannabis high martial arts counterpart version of the drunken master, but better because the high not only relaxes the body and mind but it gives clarity and focus with more perception in a fight. The stoned master is more healthy and agile as well with euphoric confidence. Eddie Bravo is one of the stoned masters of the MMA league.

Eddie Bravos skills improve every time he smokes and gets high and becomes the stoned master in the MMA ring. With his incredible focus of being high he is always one step ahead of his opponent.

by superbipolar420 October 4, 2015

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Stoned eyes

A sexual move of which when you’re eating your significant others buttocks, you ask them to fart towards your eye giving you pink eye. Leaving a longing stoned look.

Person 1: β€˜Man are you stoned?’
Person 2: β€˜Nah dude, I got stoned eyes’
Person 3: β€˜ayyyyy my fucking dude’

by CoreyTheVibe March 2, 2019

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team stone

A group of Dick Craving metrosexuals hell bent on butt funneling to the point of utter in toxication causing a serious case of whiskey dick leading to a life time of friend zones. Also they are terrible at any and all fantasy sports.

Team Stone Team Stone

by blumpkinlover12 February 6, 2014

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Tonsil Stones

Also known as tonsilloliths, are cheese-like half solid within the crevices of the tonsils.
One of the causes of bad breath.

I can feel the tonsil stones in my tonsils!!!!! But they just can't get out. Damn

by penis baby πŸ‘Ά 🍼 has November 16, 2020

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carsick stoned

When you become so carsick you fall into a stoned trance. Emotionless. Zombielike. Unresponsive. Possibly sticking your tongue out.

Person 1: "Hey look at that bird! Whooooooa..."
Carsick Victim: "Eh." (closes eyes)
Person 1: "Fine. Be that way. At least I'm not carsick stoned. Suckaaaaah! :)"
Carsick Victim: "Eh."

by EpicBird July 17, 2011

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