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One Horse Pony

A racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, transphobic word for a person who has a skin color of the shade non white.

"Your a one horse pony"
-Joe Biden

by Big Nasty 2665 December 23, 2020


Nothing to do with PEDOPHILIA as it is a negative event that occurs where you wish the positive event occurred instead.

It complicates your LIFE when this occurs.

Put into a model form by using RANDOMIZATION you choose from the two drawn weather it is the FRONT or the BACK or any other parse opposite for whatever you have on your mind that are opposites

Any song you listen to on the album by PAUL SIMON called ONE TRICK PONY.

You begin to RIDE THE TRICK PONY when there is no TOILET PAPER In that LAVATORY you just used.

You PARSE to RIDE THE TRICK PONY from the front:back TOILET PAPER:NO TOILET PAPER as your ASSHOLE is back in the saddle again with SHIT TO BOOT.

Using the RANDOMIZATION event attach to it the opposite and parse it through those personal LIFE EVENTS of yours in using the power of contextual meaning and personal experience to RIDE TH E TRICK PONY.

When you listen to any song on ONE TRICK PONY you RIDE THE TRICK PONY on whatever reminders come to your mind while you


pony head

A prankster or fool. A jester.

"You goddamn Pony Head"

by Mr.Wolfmann February 19, 2016

One track pony

A person who can only focus on one thing.

That guy over there can only play the drums he’s a one track pony.”

by Westworld July 14, 2019

Pony pack

A small square of paper folded to hold cocaine as it wont get stuck to it like plastic bags do since theyre made of paper or card.

just got a half and its in a baggy not a pony pack half of its stuck to the corners!

by Bigboy packet April 3, 2022

Pony Pull Take Down

Straight grabbing a girl by her pony tail, or hair in general, and putting her where you want; can be combined with follow up moves (similar to a Mortal Kombat combo, e.g. Pony pull take down to a throat throttle)

Example 1: Jake was walking out in the sunshine the other day and saw a blonde 10 that he had to have so he approached and proceeded with a pony pull take down to a throat throttle.

Example 2: Louis decided it was a good day to go out and get some more travel points on his credit card by purchasing a Nuru massage. On his way, he came across a double D bubble butt that he g-string snapped followed by a pony pull take down to a cum all over her D’s.

Example 3: Hayden was out giving the sobriety thing a try sucking down his 6th iced tea because his friend let him know he’s doing a 90-day detox while he was sipping on a Mai Tai from a beach somewhere. A tight bodied bikini babe walked by after snorkeling and when she removed her goggles Hayden proceeded to pony pull take down to the ground followed by a little additional buss in her eyes.

Example 4: Paul was fixing the ceiling fan when the doorbell rang. It was Girl Scouts selling cookies with their pack leader - a fresh out of college cheerleader that needed some discipline, so Paul dismissed the troops and did a pony pull take down on that cheerleader to a pony tail ceiling fan tie off to the finger blast or ass spank on each revolution guessing game to a buss in the pussy and finished the job by buying 2 boxes of lemon cookies and sending cheerleader back to her troops.

by kingkongbingbongdingdong September 23, 2022

Pony Tailable

Hair that's long enought to pull back into a pony tail.

My friend Carol told my hair dresser she can cut off a decent amount of hair as long as it's still pony tailable.

by bennzz61 January 20, 2011