Source Code

water slug

A water slug is when a submarine's torpedo tube is cycled with no torpedo or other weapon inside it. It sounds like the submarine (whose job is to be quiet) has shot a torpedo and is very noisy

We shot a water slug at the target

by SubMan758 February 4, 2014

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Spaghetti Water

1.) The cloudy water dumped down the strainer after spaghetti has been boiled.

2.) A close cousin to "Ass Water". Loose stool violently ejected from the rectum after digesting too much fine Italian cuisine. (A common problem after family get-togethers at Olive Garden.)

1.) "Jane dumped the spaghetti water down the drain."

2.) (A real-world situation involving my own personal visit to a local McDonalds.) An African-American entered, drew his nose upward, and exclaimed: "Mann! Idd smell lyke spuhgetty wawduh in hurr!"

by Ignorant Chode November 22, 2006

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Water the Trees

When a man takes a leak on a tree or bush when outside.

"Man I have got to take a piss and those trees look a little dry, I think I am going to go have to water the trees."

by dalejr237 June 12, 2005

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Rag water

Any kind of alcoholic beverage that is bound to leave you in rags (Gin, Whiskey, Brandy, you name it).

"And the clock ticks out like a dripping faucet
Till you're full of rag water and bitters and blue ruin"

by Renderizer February 19, 2008

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Water penis

A water penis is a fucking water penis.
Your fucking welcome

This man be drinking water penis

by Homely_lmao September 3, 2019

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Holy Water

The water that flows from a priest's butthole after an enema.

Father Pedofuck called to the altar boy "Come here son and help me make some Holy Water."

by Cuntoleezza Rice October 7, 2007

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pantie water

also known as paniagua... meaning- an instant cum. when a woman looks at an attractive man and just gets wet by sight. hence... pantie water..

also.. a man or something you find attractive can be called pantie water.

Damn ma, tha guy over there looks mad good.. i just got pantie water..

He is pantie water!

by Big B April 3, 2004

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