When you and a friend kiss and blame it on the wind
Golly gosh the winds crazy today
verge on indecency, dishonesty, or disaster
Here's a sentence using "sail close to the wind":
The politician's campaign ads sailed close to the wind with their negative attacks on the opponent.
Wind enchanted uppercut.
old man: what you done is unforgiveable!
zach: I shall banish you to doom with wind uppercut!
Strong urge to go to the pub is coming on
Geez the winds picking up, we’ll get blown to the pub in a minute
The act of having butt sex whilst the receiving party forcefully ejects trapped sewer gasses from their sphincter, thereby creating a pressure around the entering genitalia.
Bro, I hooked up with this girl last night. I put it in her ass, but all the Mexican food had her wind jamming me right out.
"No matter where you stand, da breeze will invariably blow either towards you or in your face, causing you great difficulty in proceeding ahead and/or "cleanly"/effectively performing tasks dat involve/include vapors/particulates/liquids." (Think, Murphy's Law of Cigarette Smoke, or trying to bicycle someplace on a blustery day and da stiff wind keeps switching around so dat it's always hinderingly in your face --- never helpfully at your back --- both on your way to your destination AND on your way back home again!)
P.S. Oh yeah --- and don't even **consider** simply postponing outdoor activities till a "still spell" --- DAT will only mean multitudes of mosquitoes and black flies to torment you and make you WISH for a breeze!
Two classic examples of da infuriating effects of Murphy's Law Of Wind-Direction would be (1) trying to water your hanging-basket plants on da front porch, but da watering-can's sprinkled droplets keep blowing backwards so dat da water both largely misses your plants and gets you soaking-wet, and (2) trying to employ toss-across collecting when gathering returnables along da highway, but having many of da thrown containers just blow right back onto your side of da road.
Wind That Never Dies:
A short person
Y e s
"Hello, Wind That Never Dies"
"Look! It's Wind That Never Dies."