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Pillow talking

The simp art of a nigga or bitch comforting your bitch while y’all going through it

Pillow talking

Girl: β€œRyan is crazy bro”
Pillow talker: β€œπŸ€¦πŸΎ ♂️ Dang man come here I’m always a shoulder to cry on”

by Pillow talking February 25, 2020

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table talk

Noun: 1.) Conversation appropriate for a formal occasion i.e. dinner with your girlfriend/boyfriend's parents. 2.) Small talk. Shmoozing. Those little conversations you have when you see someone you don't really care about, but you haven't seen them for a long time.

1.) Oh wow, Mrs. Smith you sure do have a nice house.
2.) Uh, hi person whose name I barely remember. How are you? What have you been up to all these years I haven't thought about you? Blah blah blah...

by ben June 17, 2004

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sleepover talk

when your female friends drift off into girl topics that guys cant join in on.

stopics like guys,that time of the month,etc are sleepover talk subjects

by Alex.J.S August 12, 2008

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Anyone who does things s/he doesn't like in order to fit a certain image.

1) If you weren't a talk-walker, you wouldn't be eating vanilla yogurt.

2) Wait, so you suddenly "like" camping because it fits the college student image? Talk-walker.

3) Merry Christmas, Bryan!

by Example 2 Owed Example 1 Ten $ September 16, 2008

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Talking Trees

A peice of foliage such as a massive tree or even a small leaf that can talk to you mostly when your high or just plain insane.

Man 1Man me and Frank the talking tree were having a long conversation and he convinced me that im just that plain stupid to think that trees can talk.

Man 2Dont listen to frank man that tree is the bigest pot smoker i have ever seen and yes there are such things as Talking Trees

by The tree talking bandit June 24, 2009

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Clown Talk

Talk that is indiscernable whether the person be drunk or on drugs or just talking too deep for another person to understand.

I couldn't understand what my dealer was talking about. He was speaking in "Clown Talk".

by Roni Mac July 7, 2013

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(V.) To stand in the middle of a group of people talking and face your back to someone, thus blocking that person from being in conversation.

Tene: One time I had a turkey...(Mary walks into the circle with her back turned to him and starts talking to someone else.)
Everyone: Mary get out of the middle of the circle you're talk-blocking Tene...again.

by polo1995 September 2, 2011

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