A Dogwood Pony Girl, is a member of a made up elite girls' equestrian school located in the mythical town of Dogwood, Connecticut. Because of it's mysterious provenance, , it has been used to describe a woman who is super smart , beautiful self reliant , but in-inexplicably mysterious.
Have met Sarah? Shes that bio egineering major that transferred from Stanford with the super strong legs. It's hard to get much out of her, She's a total Dogwood Pony Girl.
Ontario, as referenced in Premier Dalton McGuinty lamenting that he couldn't give a pony to every resident child.
-- Did you hear what they're saying on Parliament Hill to the newly arriving Western caucus?
-- No.
-- Why would you leave a PONY province, to come to a NON-pony province?! It doesn't make any sense!!
Side pass merchant who has been carried by veal vardrid for a number of years (nearly a decade). Can't pass forward or evade pressure or have any impact on a team whatsoever. Definition of a passenger and only gets away with it because he's playing in pa piga the slowest leauge in Europe.
Poni Proos is finished he just side passed in instead of playing it forward. An embarrassment in 2018 to Germany and had to retire after getting owned by England in 2021. Carried by casemiro and modric as well as schweinsteiger for Germany
Not to be confused with The Italian Stallion, Mangione the Pony is any punk that sheds blood; gets caught (even though he thought he was smart); and spends the rest of his days in Rikers (or the like) getting ridden raw by the worst hombres imaginable.
We used to call William "Bill," but that was before he kicked somebody else's bucket without asking: Now, he's simply one more Mangione the Pony.
Damn girl, you'd better wax that pony eye if you have a date tonight!
A tool (organic or inorganic) used to stimulate yonis. Can refer to a dildo, vibrator, cock, dong, etc., but especially used for a larger implement that will really take her for a ride!
Becky wasn't totally satisfied by her man so she stopped by Good Vibes to get herself a yoni pony.
Man I love to watch that girl and her yoni pony!
After she was through with my yoni pony, I immediately fell asleep.
I use my yoni pony to make that pussy pony!