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Pickle Princess

Woman that has a profound love for the male sex organ, the penis.

Cindy is such a pickle princess. She’s slept with 12 guys this month already.

by Señorpicklelover December 20, 2022

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pocket princess

A woman who is in love with your wallet instead of your personality. She is constantly going for the money in your pocket and will not stop until she spends it all. Afterwards, she dumps you and moves on faster than you move in bed.

Guy 1: “Fuck! Sam broke up with me when I told her that I couldn’t afford a $500 dollar necklace!”
Guy 2: “What a pocket princess!”

by Worm in that basshole March 23, 2018

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Concrete princess

CONCRETE PRINCESS - referring to the Daughter of the Concrete King Sir Marc Antoine the II.

T: Look here comes the concrete princess, she is radiating beauty.

R: She is stunning truly.

T and R: All hail King Marc !!!

by APiscesbitch October 1, 2021

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Princess Em

An awesome girl!

Fer sure.

Did you hear what Princess Em said the other day? It cracked me up!

by The one and only... PRINCESS EM! March 21, 2007

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Prostate princess

A slay pussy queen.

Ten is a prostate princess.

by Pussyqueeeeeeeen May 25, 2022

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fierce princess

Someone that is beautiful,sexy with swag also someone that is spoiled bossy yet dangerously fierce

Hey have you ever heard of the title fierce princess? Well I know a girl name pretty and she is hot,beautiful yet spoiled bossy dangerous! Love her but don't test her!

by German princess September 6, 2015

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bougie princess

Someone acting above their class. A poor girl acting like a rich bitch.

Hey! You see that bougie princess over there! Who does she think she is!

by Debán Akimbo February 5, 2017

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