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moon waffle

moon waffle

When you punch someone in the testicles, and laugh, because they thought you were going to give them an actual waffle.

Cory- 'Hey Austin, want a Moon Waffle?'
Austin- 'Sure'

by Tomicide December 31, 2005

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waffle cum

Waffle cum is Waffle House mashed up in a plastic bag, that has been ejaculated into. Must sit like that for an hour or so to qualify as waffle cum.

Hey man, want some waffle cum?

by ayylmao3254 February 5, 2018

waffle god

The "supreme of all waffles and gods", often accompanied by a waffle demigod. Despite what the name would lead you to believe, its just some scrub muffin with an unhealthy addiction to waffles.

"I'm a waffle god, respect me peasant"

"No you're not Noah. You're a scrub muffin. And so is Kaeleb."

by CanIgetuhburgerkingfootlettuce March 17, 2018

Nutella waffle

To engage in anal sex then soon afterward engage in traditional sex with the poop coated penis (the Nutella) inside the female vagina (waffle)

Dude I nutella waffled your mom so hard last night.

by Skylerlikesmen April 7, 2015

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waffle dog

Hot dog on a skewer cooked in waffle batter. Similar to a corndog but has waffle instead of cornbread. Made famous by Zaguate Food Tuk

The kids went bonkers when they learned they could put chocolate and syrup on their waffle dog!

by Lil Pepper Pants March 5, 2020

Muddy Waffle

A food that consistent of a waffle and pig shit. To find this is an insult that isn’t common.-

β€œEat a Muddy Waffle you filthy pig”

by Discomation October 31, 2017

sleepy waffle

Mixing semen spit and egg whites and giving it to a woman. To swallow or put it in syringe and squirt on an un suspecting female

Gave her the sleepy waffle .she is nasty

by sicksloth January 10, 2017