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moon waffle

moon waffle

When you punch someone in the testicles, and laugh, because they thought you were going to give them an actual waffle.

Cory- 'Hey Austin, want a Moon Waffle?'
Austin- 'Sure'

by Tomicide December 31, 2005

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Waffle Gobbie

When you buy a Maccas mega choc waffle cone and your girlfriend eats it off your knob.

Mate I got the best waffle gobbie the other day!

by Waffle echo March 4, 2016

Waffle Stomp

When you take a shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain.

Yeah my feet were super disgusting after I waffle stomped my dinner down through my drain

by finnaChippytoothy December 15, 2019

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Waffle stomp

It’s where a person shits on a drain that looks like a waffle and stomps it through .

β€œThat was the biggest waffle stomp I’ve ever seen.”

by Big donger November 17, 2019

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Waffle Stomp

The action of stomping shit down your shower drain

The fecalphiliac decided to waffle stomp his shit while in the shower

by Nigga Fungus June 28, 2019

Waffle Stomp

Where one takes a shit in the shower and steps it down the drain.

Edward: Sorry I'm late, I had to Waffle Stomp in the shower.

by The Ed Channel November 12, 2019

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Waffle stomp

When you take a shit in the shower and stomp it down the drain

I’m gonna waffle stomp his self esteem down the drain

by OfficialSegga February 6, 2020

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