Source Code

Troll Face Outline

Back when Minecraft was sold to Microsoft, Notch wanted to lead a final mark by creating a secret structure. Whatever, that version was never allowed to be released but it was leaked. The name of the version is TR_0.11, but the structure was unfinished. It only spawn in 1 in a million chunks, making it almost impossible to find and the rarest ever by far. The structure was so rare that there is no footage of it online, until a person named camman18 found it

After months of searching i found the Troll Face Outline

by ThatOneFiddlement December 20, 2023

vacation face

The ear to ear smile one has at work in the days leading up to vacation

"Even though I have a lot to do to work my way out the door for vacation, I have a serious case of vacation face."

"I've never seen Tom so happy! He's going to the Bahamas tomorrow. Look at that vacation face!"

by kwatters14 June 8, 2017

Hambuger Face

Being shot in the face with a shot gun in any FPS game. widly used in the Halo series. Ownage with a shot gun.

And Joey is Hambuger Face by John with the shot gun

by Michael Gilbert June 10, 2008

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gammon face

British term for (usually) old, upper class, conservative, racist white men who voted for Brexit. Usually characterised by their red β€œgammon” faces caused by heavy alcohol usage.

β€œAh Gary… that gammon face has no idea what we working class go through.”

by March 31, 2024

gammon face

British term for (usually) old, upper class, conservative, racist white men who voted for Brexit. Usually characterised by their red β€œgammon” faces caused by heavy alcohol usage.

β€œAh Gary… that gammon face has no idea what we working class go through.”

by March 31, 2024

Buzzard Face

Used to describe British English men from Roman Descent. Typical features include a long face, long thin Roman nose and a condescending tone, based on an air of xenophobic superiority, despite being previously ruled by the Roman Empire and French.

That Twin Lannister actor is a right Buzzard Face, isn’t he?

by Fandamme January 30, 2018

:> face

One of the cutest facial expressions Louis Tomlinson does!

Friend: Omg did you see the new selfie Louis posted?!
Me: Yeah, you mean the one with :> face?

by iCuddleLarry February 17, 2021