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Crush crack

The breaking point to wich the lines of friendship and romance in a relationship between two people are blurred to complete utter confusion resulting in frustration, IE: vague text replys, mixed signals, and lack of acknowledgment for the other person on an affectionate level. This is usually in the case of having a crush on an individual who's ambiguous responses leave the other individual riddled with hormonal rage till they flip either their shit or dignity to somehow save face before falling victim to the friend zone, thus leading to a climax of arguing, interrogation or abandonment of an ambiguous crush, thus cracking under pressure.

John: hey how's that thing going with Sally?

James: I just flipped shit and told her to stop leading me on, she wasn't being direct enough, I didn't know if she really liked me back

John: sounds like you had Crush Crack

by Atticus Bukowski November 16, 2013

soft crush

Something that is had between two people who constantly talk about each other and platonically flirt.

"Is Lucy dating Salem?"
"No, it's just a soft crush"

by TheRealDaquan December 22, 2016

armpit crush

A strong urge to orally pleasure someone's armpit.

Dude had a serious armpit crush on her.

by BadRonald November 22, 2015

high crush

you know that one person who in a normal situation isn’t attractive at all and you want nothing to do with them and then you smoke a dubee and suddenly they’re really attractive and you have a weird sexual desire for them? that’s your high crush

friend 1: bruh should i send nudes to tj?
friend 2: omg no you know you only like him when you’re high

friend 1: i guess you could say he’s my high crush

by fuckalight March 2, 2019

Mild crush

A mild crush is when you have a crush, but it’s not as severe or serious as a full on crush.
You still like them, but you are ok with being friends or just strangers.

Another reason for a mild crush is that you know that you’ll probably never be able to be in a relationship with them so you lower the bar and don’t expect anything serious to happen between you and them.

“I just have a mild crush on them, it’s not that serious. I’ll probably never ever be dating them anyways.”

by Biodrox December 8, 2021

cold crushing

hard working, no time to rest nor chill.

kaitlyn has been on her cold crushing shit since day one!

by skippa da flippa . February 13, 2018

Chaos crush

A chaos crush is somebody who makes you question your sexuality but doesn't turn you.

Girl 1: hey did you see that girl, she's making me question my sexuality.
Girl 2: oh, are you attracted to women?
Girl 1: nah, she's just my chaos crush

by It.b.me February 5, 2022