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King Kai

King Kai (or north Kai, Kaio-sama, in the Japanese version), is a character of the dragonball universe. He loves chokes and cracks them frequently throughout the series when the situation calls for it, his jokes are almost entirely puns.

King Kai is one of the four Kais that oversee their part of the universe. The other three being West Kai, East Kai, and South Kai. He is Goku's 3rd Material Arts teacher, and he teaches him the Spirit Bomb and Kaioken techniques.

See also: Grand Kai, Supreme Kai.

King Kai watches over the north quadrant of the universe.

by kyle.biddle January 5, 2011

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King Kahuna

Immature brat of a human being who acts like a 14 yr old kid but in actuality is a middle aged man with small penis like Chinese man. (His wife)

See Voogru For Relation

"I got pwned by King in the ass because I said it is wrong to cheat. WTF"

"Uh oh, gotta suck King's cack so I don't get pwnedez0rz and banned from Voogru.

by Captain Stupid March 19, 2003

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King magazine

A men's magazine targeted at Black men ages 18-35. What the magazine features is beyond me but I know this for a fact: There are more half-naked women in that magazine than in the Holocaust.

Go to any apartment or house inhabited by Black men who thrive off of mainstream rap culture, are wannabe thugs or real scary thugs, misogynist, wannabe rappers or sex addicts...and I bet you, there would be a table piled up with King magazines.

Jermaine: Ay, nigga. I'm finna get that new King magazine featuring Karrine Stephans on the cova'!
Dionte: Word, nigga?
Jermaine: Fuck chea' nigga.

Two hours later...

Jermaine: Ay let's go fuck them light-skinned bitches I met at the Grown&Sexy parties last Saturday. That issue of King made my dick hard, dawg.

by twistedbabydoll August 18, 2007

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King L

A type of joint in which two rizlas are used. One rizla is stuck vertically up on the end of one skin, opposite the roach end, then cut down diagonally to make and "L" shape. It is then rolled like a regular joint to result in a substantially bigger reefa.

"look at the size of that King L he just rolled, that'll get him fucked!"

by King L July 20, 2003

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King of Town

Alleged King of Freetown, USA. Employs a poopsmith for reasons best known to himself. Eats only the most fattening of meat by-products.

The King of Town has never said anything funny.

by Upsilon July 19, 2003

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wing king

An Air Force wing commander (US Air Force slang). It is not considered a disparaging term.

If we don't meet the deadline, the wing king is going to have my ass in his lunch bucket.

by Bill gronos July 2, 2009

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king von

A Chicago rapper from the same hood as chief keef "oblock" on the Southside of Chicago.

Known for the songs Problems, Crazy story, exposing me.

King von is a Black disciple (BD). King von and his music group "otf" beef with rival gangs like FBG & bricksquad.

There go that nigga king von smoke his bitch ass

by Westside of chiraq nigga April 8, 2019

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