Sexual position where a fat girl keeps bouncing on the man's cock with an opened umbrella and a monocle.
Dude, did you heard about paula? She made the Gothan's Penguin on joshua last night, nuts!
When someone randomly screams and scares everyone around them due to excessive fangirling
I had a literal heart attack because Nina started pulling a penguin
When others look tired so you help them sleep
My girlfriend looked tired so I gave her the ol' penguin sly choke her ass out.
when a man and woman decide 2 fool around in cold weather conditions but the man cant get erect enough to go inside her.
me and my boyfriend tried to get it on on the snow but he got an islandic penguin.
The awkward waddle you are forced to do when you discover that you need toilet paper after you have taken a shit.
I have to start keeping extra tp in the bathroom, I had to do the stinky penguin twice today because of the taco bell last night
This is the strict parent, who disciplines their children (or other children) publicly. Although the name may sound confusing, it’s an ironic reference to the the contrasts between how actual penguin mothers are incredibly loving and caring, versus the public disciplinarian.
This parent, in the middle of their children’s game, will charge the field, to yell at a referee, their son, or another kid. This is different from heckling, penguin parents are much more confrontational.