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person: ray is such a simp, he spends all day on minecraft

by luna de angelis December 2, 2021

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Sexual Inactive Male Partner

John is such a simp these days

by tQby May 10, 2020

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dudes named benjamin

sum girl: But I don't wanna be your minecraft girlfriend!
benjamin: but i can give you all the diamonds you need! *simps*

by music.lover078 March 5, 2020

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Gage is such a simp.

by 69XxShreksterxX69 April 11, 2020

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Biased empathy for women, lack of it for men - anywhere down to psychopathy; they can however have solidarity with other men over simping matters - pleasing, providing for, protecting a woman, etc; and even solidarity in the lack of empathy for men - abuse of or punishment for men, etc. Most men are instinctively simps. They can be trad/"conservative" simps or modern/"liberal" simps, the difference is the same as in trad vs modern gynocentrism - trads want men sacrificing themselves for society, expect the social state and men to provide for and protecc women first; libs build up more similar political & legal gynocentric biases, as a result imposing more intrusive control over men and their possessions, but they also want men individually more submissive to women, while ridiculing or calling abusive any reverse expectations.

In the most basic sense on the internet simps are those, who give more money to the makeup-wearing web streaming clowns or the already rich ones, overspending, because on some level they consider it their (imaginary) online relationship/friendship.

Stop simping for her, if you aren't that submissive, mentally replace her with a man - would you still be acting the same?

by veinsofgold February 26, 2022

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A "nice guy" who is way too friendly with women in desperation trying to get a girlfriend and will get pissed when they get pointed out.

George is such a simp, he just got pissed at my girl.

by poopysmell May 5, 2020

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Me: Unfortunately, I dreamed that I married Harish.
My friend: but why is that a bad thing?
Me: cuz I can't marry a simp

by simp4ever April 24, 2020

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