Those weird green knives that stick out of the ground
Dude, why do you never go outside?
It's dangerous man! The ground is covered with green knives called grass that'll rip you to shreds!!!
Uhh, sure...
Snitch a daniel or ruff a short round
A metal detecting nonce
I can’t beleive he’s grassed again,what a bogroll
What a woo woo piece if shit
The green thing outside on the ground that you should go touch
p 1: did you hear that Alfred has been playing minecraft for 3 days straight
p 2: wow
p 1: he should really go touch some grass
p 2: agreed
-Itchy green spike shit that's everywhere, that's alive
"Do you wanna go sit in the grass?" Gwenda
"No, fuck off Gwenda" Chad
something that fortnite players do not touch.
Bob hadn't touched grass in a while, instead he spent his time playing the new fortnite update.
A green plant that grows outside, commonly found in fields or front lawns. Grass can survive being stepped on, and people usually cut it so it doesn't grow too long. Cutting the grass is usually referred to "mowing the lawn." Astroturf is NOT actual grass.
"The grass is growing tall."
"Go outside and touch some grass!"