Literally the busiest, yet most vacant city you will ever live in. Giant Eagle is either packed, or there is no one there. There is no in between. The schools suck, the sports are average, and the kids are all rednecks. Ppl throw oranges out of the bus windows, and being gay or forbidden. In Brunswick you either have a boyfriend or you’ve never laid eyes on a boy. The reddest redneck town there is. Might as well hang a confederate flag from your window. Don’t be surprised if you’re there for three minutes and begin talking with a southern accent and saying ya’ll.
“Did you go full out for anti-homo day?”
“Of course bro. Brunswick Oh citizens never miss out.”
an annoying phrase zain will not stop saying any time something even remotely interesting happens
zain: *looks in the mirror*
zain: OH LORD
A short phrase said lovingly, but with the definite feeling of disappointment, to someone who fucked up big time.
Oh buddy. How the hell did you manage to put diesel fuel in your Prius?
2👍 1👎
To say or do something that is either utterly nonsensical or blatantly moronic.
Having begun in Massachusetts, this word has spread like herpes at a whore house to Conencticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
Raul: "David, why did you shove a can of axe up your ass?"
David: "I thought it would help with the smell."
In this instance, David has clearly oh-ed, as rectal cologne is a very poor idea.
Notorious gang in Aberdeen, Ohio they do no real harm just fuck up shit
Aberdeen Resident - "That damn 7 oh gang threw a matress on my roof and window chalked my car. I hate The 7 oh gang."
what a guy says when doing something special with his dog
OH BEAR just like that bear dont stop yet bear
A girl that is best friends with an alien named Oh
Tip and Oh are such good friends