The crappy influence of an ex-spouse/partner on your kids.
My daughter’s attitude was fine when she went to her Dad’s for winter break, but she came back with full-on yak taint.
Taint Spray: the spray to hide your taint stank; also known as taint be gone, allows for a fresh smelling taint.
Hey billy, your taint stank. Oh. You should try some "taint spray", it helped me with my stank. Thank you Amanda, now my taint smells like dank.
Marijuana laced with other drugs such as pcp, dmt. Etc.
I was buggin out last night man!
That kid gave me tainted weed!
A person who is American but often uses Euro and British expressions such as "holiday" instead of vacation or "bin" instead of trash. In extreme cases they will even refer to distances in kilometers rather than feet or miles. In vomit inducing examples, and worthy of a punch to the balls, they will tell you the temperature in Celsius.
Greg how much did you run today? "6.87 kilometers." Get a life you pseudo euro taint!
The residue that appears on ones taint after a period of no showering
Hey Jose, I haven't showered in a while i'm starting to get taint butter.
When your girlfriend filly let’s you back into her vagina, because she has been starting fights with you for weeks to not have to fuck you. Only to the find out her vagina has been stretched open by another man, because you have a smaller than normal penis
The love my girlfriend gives me is tainted love