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Beta gender

A man/woman that is weak minded of their gender.

"Look its a transgender!"
"No, its a Beta gender because they cant think like a man/woman."

by Idk Y but do I January 27, 2021

Gender Studies Tomato-can

God, yeah, wow. There he goes again. Didja see it?

Hym "You see Piers Morgan had another Gender Studies Tomato-can on the show? God you guys are bad at that! You cannot defend your ideas at all. All the conservatives and/or conservative-adjacent media is doing is receding into solipsism and deflecting to the most absurd fringe of the people who accept of gender theory. Fuckin gender studies guy over there is like turtle on his back just floundering. You fuckin suck. You're not good at that. You're not good at defending any of your ideas. Your greatest champion is little squid-boy over there and he's not going to get the job done. He'll just ink poop, break even, and float away to bang pornstars. It's so much easier than you're making it look. I mean... Yeah, you're bad. Bad at the race stuff too.... Badbadbad..."

by Hym Iam February 26, 2024


I saw the fat-cock at my job (the one that all the women are fucking) do it the other day.

Hym "There's this tranny that comes in with her down syndrome boyfriend all the time and the fat-cock I work with went out of his way to call the tranny a sir! Can you believe it!? Right in front of the disabled boyfriend! Didn't call a single other person sir all night. I've actually NEVER seen him call anyone sir! It's the guy who isn't going to be there while I'm at the dollar general within arms reach of children but has deluded himself into believing that harassing me somehow protecting children. What a piece of shit, right!? To just mis-gender her like that as a way of insulting her to her face? Says a lot about the people who are doing this thing to me don't it? He even called it out on the microphone before he did it! Like, hey guys, look at the freak! How about that do you feel shit-libs? Let me know Monday, alright? Have a nice weekend and go fuck yourselves!"

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024

gender mania

A manic state created by aligning one’s gender identity and expression.

Wearing a dress gives me gender mania

by SmashTheState July 18, 2023

person of the third gender

this term is used as an umbrella term to refer to people that aren’t in the category of men and women,

(i.e: transgender, non-binary, ect.)

plural form: people of the third gender

i am not, a man, i am not a woman either, i might be a person of the third gender.”

by Delilah Fletcher June 10, 2024