Source Code

Hardware Hard-on

Arousal as a result of placing your warm laptop on your lap.

"Tim, how did this happen? You're studying for your organic chemistry final. You shouldn't be aroused."
"I went to the couch to study. Now I have a hardware hard-on."

by kazbah May 9, 2013

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hard amounts

A large quantity.
Used to show enthusiasm.

"Are you going to come and play a game of tennis?"
"Yes mate, hard amounts."

"Mate did you find some hard amounts?"
"Pff, yes. lol"

by Cock McStalion May 24, 2008

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An adjective to show how hard u did something.

Jeff:"Man Trisha and I went at it last night"
Tom:"Sweet man how was it"

by Plumper pumper123 April 28, 2016

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Hard Boiled

A Hong Kong film made by John Who in 1992. A Bloodshed genre film. Starred Chow Yun Fat and Tony Leung Chiu Wai.

Many bloody gunfights occured in this film and many dead bodies spawning in almost every single scene.

Like other John Woo's films, this movie also show some bloody slo-mo gunfights, amounts of flying doves, diving move, endless gunfight....so on..

A Badass movie.

Dude 1: I wanna be a Detective Tequilla in Hard Boiled. He's a badass!!!!

Dude 2: Try insert some Infinity Bullet and No Reloading Cheat, then here you go.....

*Stranglehold is a sequel to Hard Boiled, released only on PC, PS3 and X360*

by Wenaldy August 29, 2009

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Hard Charger

A hardcore bad-ass individual that drinks excessive amounts of beer/alcohol in a very short amount of time frequently and is still able to be productive. A Pelvis Smashing, Bull Shark'n, Beer Drinker. Finding Fixing and Finishing all beer.

Hard Charger, Sig O, Hard Charging Company, Keg Destroying with no more than 5 individuals in as little time as possible. Not going anywhere until all the beer in the entire house is cashed. Don't be a PUSSY!

by The CO of Charging Company November 21, 2008

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Hard Job

When it appears that the only reason a woman has a certain job is the fact that she is so attractive that she has a long line of men wanting to have sex with her.

Check out that MTV VJ! She must have a hard job.

by Mr. Leopard March 24, 2006

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Try Hard

Someone who puts great effort into achieving small, unimportant objectives (e.g. drop shotting to get a quick kill, studying for a quiz, etc.) and often fails in the process, thus creating more embarrassment, due to the fact that they tried incredibly hard.

Brandon Pugh is a textbook example of a try hard. He consumes his leisure hours scanning and memorizing his Physical Science textbook; he is then later scolded for knowing completely nothing about it, and failing all his quizzes. This then reduces him to a completely monotonous, often suicidal facial expression, which indeed points out his try hardness.

by Schnalex November 25, 2010

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