Source Code

University of Texas

A school for people pathetic enough to rave and brag about their school's athletic programs on urban dictionary as if their university is a part of their identity. Seriously, get a life.

University of Texas students are a bunch of soulless red necks.

by wheee May 17, 2006

365๐Ÿ‘ 567๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Florida

An institution located in a malaria infested swamp--once noted for it football team which since 1998, has lost 5 out of 6 of its matchups against superior rival, Florida State University.

With the dismal leadership of Steve Spurrier the Washington Redskins pulled a University of Florida and ended the season with an abysmal 5-11 season.

by Bill May 2, 2004

256๐Ÿ‘ 389๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Bridgeport

Terrible University in the city of Bridgeport CT. Whites are in the minority, asians run in packs around campus talking shit about all the white and black kids in a different language (no ones really sure what country they come from, presumably china?) Literally every black kid thinks he can play basketball even if he doesnt know the difference between a jumpshot and a touchdown. The white kids complain about all the ghetto kids. The black kids even complain about all the ghetto kids. who knows what the asian complain about (lack of soy sauce in the dining hall?) Any way the food tastes like puppy shit, the teachers are all 60+ and senile and the dorms are always 800 degrees. Also Bodine is the scum of the earth. The hallways always reek of cheap bud and the dorms are 6x6 max. At least its near a beach right??? Oh btw the beach is horrendous never go there unless you enjoy being mugged, which in that case Bridgeport is your city! Theres nothing to do besides sleeping, dorm drinking and watching porn. Please do yourself a favor and never apply here. Mad good at sports though somehow...

Student: I wonder where i can find a University of Bridgeport Alumni??
Parent: LMFAO no one graduates from there, they either drop out or get killed!

by El Tiger mofos September 14, 2013

21๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Rochester

An organization that systematically fucks you while slowly poisoning you for four year from exposure to water from the genesee.

The University of Rochester has ruined me.

by UR Slave November 16, 2004

97๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

Seattle University

Seattle University is a high school located in the Capitol Hill district of Seattle, WA. It calls itself a college but in reality there is nothing to make it resemble a college in any way. There are no good parties, no hot girls and no ways to have the fun that your friends will be having at real colleges. Do not make the mistake of attending Seattle University. It's a high school.

Jack: Hey, your going to Seattle University too?!

Dave: Yeah, man it's gonna be crazy fun in college!

Jack: Oh no, they dont allow any kind of parties on campus and none of the girls are hot or willing to have sex.

Dave: Oh shit, so basically high school?

Jack: More like middle school.

by fuckthisschool October 8, 2012

67๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

University of Alabama

n 1: A group of athletes known for mediocrity. 2: Educational institute notorious for large quantities of blow and high school dropouts. Vb 1: To live in the past, preferably between (1958-1982) without being alive or having knowledge of this time period.

Did you see the University of Alabama get waxed by the Wisconsin-Milwaukee? No bro, lets go do some nose and then talk about Coach Paul William Bryant.

by Paul W Bryant March 19, 2005

138๐Ÿ‘ 205๐Ÿ‘Ž

Southwestern University

Extremely small, gorgeous university in the suburbs of Austin, Texas. Popular location for the studies of spoiled, well-maintained, rich kids. With approximately 3 girls for each guy enrolled, Southwestern University is an excellent school for less-then attractive rich boys to flash their cash and get laid, while forcing the very attractive females to adjust their standards. With such a small student body, and huge girl-guy ratio, the dating pool is inevitably inter-crossed between friends, exโ€™s and drunken hookups from the previous Wednesday of skanky fraternity partying. An excellent choice for the โ€œdaddyโ€™s girlโ€ and the โ€œtoolโ€ guy who needs a fraternity to fit into. All-in-all, students are very happy with their lives while at Southwestern.

Father: โ€œHoney, time to choose where you want to go to collegeโ€
Daughter: โ€œI already know I want to go to Southwestern University!โ€
Father: โ€œGREAT, a small school, very sheltered, youโ€™ll like it.โ€
Daughter: โ€œYes, but can I have a new BMW 5-series, Prada purse, and your credit cardโ€ฆ just so I can fit in?โ€
Father: โ€œAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!โ€

by ride 'em October 22, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž