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A term used among players of the Blizzard game "Overwatch" describing a Pharah player being healed or power-boosted by a Mercy player as the Pharah shoots at you. The term came from the fact that Mercy is healing and that combining Pharah and Mercy sounds similar to pharmacy.

I'll attack the pharmacy in that room over there.

by Porrim January 23, 2017

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No pharmacies

Similar to no homo

Malik:I like to eat meat
Alex: no pharmacies

by Mygotrunks August 14, 2016


a name for a school in long island where any type of narcatic or drug can be sold or purchased if you know the write people

Chris: Yo man do you think that boy Larry could hook me up with some acid at the Pharmacy?
Bill: Probably they got everything there.

by funkyy June 26, 2007

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going to the pharmacy

A euphemism for coitus derived from a scene in the fourth episode of the second season of The Walking Dead during which Glenn and Maggie had sexual intercourse while raiding a pharmacy for much needed supplies.
(Chris Hardwick made a joke about the possibility of this becoming a euphemism for coitus on his Walking Dead commentary show following the original airing of this episode.)

"Have you ever...gone to the pharmacy?"

"Where was Bill last night?"
"He was going to the pharmacy with Jill."

by MyZombieTwin November 7, 2011

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going pharmacy

Going postal, but in a pharmacy after getting too many complaints about high copays.

John totally went pharmacy on Mrs. Glick after she bitched that he couldn't her 8 prescriptions ready in 2 minutes

by Dave March 17, 2005

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Eckerd Pharmacy

A Pretty Poor Pharmacy. they are currently being bought out buy Right Aid. We get Payed Like shit and work in a Place here White people think there Black and Steal Condoms. The Managers never give you anything to do so your stuck just standing there at the register all night. you have to deal with old people and jews. There is a fat bitch there named Patty. She doesn't drive a car and every one has to drive her to work. she's about 65 years old. Although she doesn't have a car she has a tank in her garage. she was also in the air force. she drives her Appatchey Helicopter all around the store and guns down rice pickers. when she gets angry she takes out her tank and fuck you better get outa the fucking way or shell put a fucking cap in your ass.

pretty Much Eckerds is A Fucking Shit Hole

Employee 1: Yo U wanna Go To Eckerd Pharmacy and Pop Some Skittles
employee 2: Fuck Yea. That Store is such shit
Employee 1: Good Thing We Have are discounts so we can rob that store outa like 2 dollars Shit what fucking shit fest that store is

by lilspringer April 28, 2007

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English Pharmacy

1. N.- A pharmacy located in the country of England.

2. V.- When a man successfully attempts inserting both his penis and testicles into another man or woman's anus. Variation, see: English Medicine Cabinet

1. My they have such a wide selection at the local English pharmacy.

2. Fuck that, I'm only trying that English Pharmacy thing once!

by Bexxx May 2, 2004

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