1. Someone who is fat, lazy or stupid.
2. Someone who eats large amounts of food.
3. Someone who has a fat ass.
Marisa eats so much, she's such a lard-ass!
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A person that wants to have sex with your butthole.
Hello, I am an ass gardener
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People who enjoy Carlos Mencia.
The ass ninny laughed and laughed as Mencia spit out mexican joke after mexican joke.
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An individual who lacks experience, maturity and/or or is deemed wanting. Especially children.
When the street lights come on you better get your narrow ass in the house!
48π 5π
A man who generally favors the female buttocks over everything else. It has one big pro;
It is not uncommon for a woman to have a great butt, but a large swath of women with sexy backsides are either plain looking or not so attractive facially so it makes casual dating easy since they are overall not hot enough to be choosy.
She's probably a 5/10 in the face, but dat ass! Damn! - Ass Guy
50π 13π
1) The variety of diarrhea one has after the consumption of VERY spicy foods. 2)The end result of eating hot wings with sauce hot enough to burn a hole into the table.
"Matt jumps into someones yard and just lays out some hot ass lava all over their lawn while screaming MORE NAPKINS MORE NAPKINS!"
48π 7π
A mythical creature, friendly in nature, who comes to visit one several hours after one consumes spicy foods - making one's butthole feel as though it were shooting out fire while one defecates. The Ass Dragon's friendly, playful nature often makes him want to hang out for hours, sometimes hiding for a little while, peek-a-boo-style.
One more jalapeΓ±o slice would just be inviting the Ass Dragon and I don't have time to have my ass feel like it's on fire every hour tomorrow as I am addressing the Supreme Court in a very important case.