Aka (a Deuce and a half) when one has a bowel movement, stands up to leave and by the act of standing, loosens another piece of feces and and one has to abandon the plan to leave the bathroom to go back,sit down and finish it again.
Also know as a gmc jimmy ton and a half truck Circa ww2.
Grampa told me about his war times and the big trucks he worked on, like the double deuce.
Often referred to as 22oz beer/ alcoholic beverage. Much like (40's), are the 40 ounce counterpart.
Yo, grab me a double deuce Icehouse at the store and some black and milds.
When both parties shit at the same time during sex.
I knew we were soulmates when we pulled a double deuce. It was love at first shit
Double deuces means you love the class of 2022 and your teachers
Summa gave double deuces to her favorite teacher
That buffet last night was great, but man did I take a Zeus Deuce this morning.
combination of a night of eating spicy food and excessive drinking leading to explosive shits that may or may not land on your significant other
"Im going to lava deuce on you tonight!"
Taking a dump for a fallen/long lost brother in arms.
Person A: Yo did you hear Paw is moving to Toronto?
Person B: Oh shit really man? Gotta take an honorary deuce for him.