When the people in high school that are used to getting A+ get a B-. They didn't really fail, they just need to say they failed to justify the B-. This technique also makes the kids who normally get B- and are totally okay with it feel like shit.
"Oh my god, I totally smart-kid failed. I only got a B- on my history final. Now my grade is only going to be an A!!"
"Jeez, I hate those fuckin' losers that complain about smart-kid failing, I'm just worried about not normal-kid failing!"
23๐ 6๐
A fail so big, it doesn't even fit on the richter scale.
therefore, guaranteeing an almost certain death.
or something along those lines.
person1: *accidently steps off a roof, which is about 123897401932874 meters high* AHHHHHHHHH
34๐ 11๐
When you cannot fail any harder. A mistake only punishable by a round house kick to the face by Chuck Norris. Also, a series of accidents, or one accident, usually major, producing comedy to an audience around the subject.
Brian Bell: Hey guys! I just got done fapping to some new band no one has hea- OH OWWWWW! where the fucking hell did that basket ball come from!? now i'm bleeding in the face!
Eric: AHAHAAA epic fail dude epic fail!
Chuck Norris: BAHAHAAAA. *roundhouse kicks Brian in the face*
9๐ 81๐
something that can not and will not ever happen.
Stacy: hey, how likely do you think it is for me to lose weight?
Tom: as likely as a Chuck Norris fail!
(Chuck Norris appears from the shadows, Roundhouse kicks Stacy in the face, and gives Tom a high-five)
49๐ 19๐
When someone comments on youtube beginning with "Thumbs up if..." in an attempt to get a high rated comment, but ultimately receives no thumbs up.
"Thumbs up if Family Guy brought you here!" thumbs: 0 up, 0 down ---- thumbs up fail
10๐ 2๐
As if you were writing a letter about a terrible fail that just happened to Failblog.org.
Similar to saying "Dear Penthouse Forum..." after something very sexy had just occurred, like sleeping with two unbelievable girls at one time.
Man 1: "Dude, this six hour trip to see Ozzfest was totally wicked and fucked up cause it took so long, but we are finally here bro! Hey, get out the tickets, the ticket taker is right over there."
Man 2: *checks pockets* "Dear FAIL Blog..."
17๐ 5๐
When a Frat Boy screws up, so much so, that his brothers wouldn't want to claim him.
Girl 1: "Did you see Johnny totally frat boy fail last night?"
Girl 2: "Yeah, he puked in the bar. What a light weight!"
13๐ 3๐