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The 64th Gamer

He killed the other 63 gamers, he can't hide it. Also, he made Rock-afire Replay and shit.

The 64th Gamer is a really good creator, also sexman is cool

by pogchampog69gamer December 30, 2021

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The Gamer Bomb

Slang for saying the N-word

Person 1: You hear what happened with Nick and Andre?
Person 2: Didn't Nick drop the gamer bomb?
Person 1: Oh yea, right in front of him.

by FE Astra January 3, 2019

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Fortnite Gamer

a faggot who lives in there moms basement playing a useless gay game where they live with there uncle and snort and puff drugs while be fort fuckers and eating penis while they are playing with theirself

Ew look a fortnite gamer

by 12kGlocks August 13, 2020

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Child Gamer

10-12 year old kids who think they are the next generation of pro gamers. They often blame their lack of skill on hacking or their other teammates.

Person 1: OFMG this kid has literal hacks
Person 2: You Child Gamer, you missed every shot

by RobloxGrill2 April 22, 2018

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Gamer lean

A drink concoction made of sprite and a caffeinatedgamer powdered drink in a double styrofoam cup. Made popular by Oklahoma twitch streamer Ramteid.

I'll be online in ten, just finishing making my gamer lean.

by Tulk1n February 13, 2022

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Gamer's Stamina

The phenomenon when you EPIC SKILL in video games suddenly disappears, leaving you making bad decisions, and rookie mistakes.

Person 1: What happened?
Person 2: What do you mean?
Person 1: You were good at this game an hour ago! Why do you all of a sudden suck?
Person 2: My gamer's stamina must have run dry.

by Camromille January 4, 2020

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Republic Of Gamers

A pretty lit computer division from ASUS that make computer parts you can trust. They typically sell parts on Newegg or in stores. Or if you have no experience in computer building they make prebulits for a fair price depending on the specs.

Republic Of Gamers is short for ROG

by 88k3 November 2, 2020

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