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Whatchu say about my momma?

When you beefin' wit some bitch ass mothaphucka and he talkin' about yo momma that's one thing, but when he hear you say this that nigga know he dying that day.

Jackson: Fuck you bitchass nigga I'll put yo ass down.
Jason: Nigga I put yo momma down last night but she still breathing.
*Jackson turns around*
Jackson: Whatchu say about my momma?

by hoodtermz November 4, 2023

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

A band who sucks in comparision to the Pixies

Did you hear the new Clap Your Hands Say Yeah album?

Yeah- it's no Surfer Rosa.

Well that's a no brainer.

by AlecO April 17, 2007

28πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

i'm gonna say the n word

It's to the guy who said u can't say the n word because u are not bIack

Someone: i'm gonna say the n word
Gay Doggo: You cAn'T sAY thE n-WoRD thAt's raCiST to evErY man oF afrICaN deScenT
Everyone: Shut up cracker

by xX_Memester69_Xx September 21, 2019

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clap your hands say yeah

Indie rock band who debuted in 2005 with their refreshing self-titled, self-produced album. A mini 'triumph' of sorts in the indie rock community, as their sudden success came without the overhyped pretensions and media buzz of other recent overnight sensations (like The Arctic Monkeys, or The Strokes for that matter). Their music, like their name, is almost antithetical of most of their indie peers; they're not so much concerned with sounding artsy and lyrically ambiguous as they are simply out to make fun, catchy, concise 3-4 minute Cure-like songs. Their follow-up album, Some Loud Thunder (2007), didn't quite pack the same punch as the debut, which is probably what they'll be most remembered for.

with the sex.. and the drugs.. and the rock.. the rock.. the ROCK AND ROCK AND ROLL HEY!!!

you look like David Bowie, but you've got nothin' new to show me.

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah lead singer Alec Ounsworth's voice is a cross between David Byrne of the Talking Heads and Tom Verlaine of Television... turn-off for some, quirky goodness for others.

by SDRE05 February 17, 2008

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

say hello to my little friend

As well as being said in Scarface, this line is also said (copied) in the hilarious film Mafia!

say hello to my little friend

by bo0 June 30, 2007

42πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

If you can’t say nothing nice, don’t say nothing at all

This is usually something someone who is really annoying will say. They are usually called Nigel. If someone says this to you then you should throw a manky stick at them.

Me: β€œ Your so ugly, you manky Stick”
Nigel: β€œIf you can’t say nothing nice, don’t say nothing at all”

by Elle-Woody January 31, 2020

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

I never thought I'd be saying this

A phrase often heard as 2020 nears its end and people are forced to acknowledge some very strange things.

To have the family home for Thanksgiving would be suicidal, and I never thought I'd be saying this.

I never thought I'd be saying this, but we came within an inch of losing our democracy.

by Monkey's Dad November 19, 2020

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