Source Code

Lost the V-Card

A code way of saying that your no longer a virgin.

My big brother just texted me after the first night of the honey moon, he Lost the V-Card!
My dad said if I went to that girls house and Lost the V-Card he'll kill me.

by Ceaser98 November 30, 2015

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

$19 fortnite card

Who wants it? And yes, I'm giving it away for free.

$19 fortnite card. Who wants it? And yes, I'm giving it away for free

by LivinLegend55 February 25, 2021

V-card massacre

Woman that takes a guys virginity

Yo that bitch went v-card massacre on that guy and he went stalker crazy!!!

by Pdaub February 13, 2021

Shuffle The Tool Cards

Phrase meaning someone is being a tool and needs to stop doing so.

Guy One-Man, Mike is such a terd.
Guy Two-Yeah, he really needs to shuffle the tool cards.

by ~meatsandwich~ October 23, 2009

Free healthcare card

Something Bri'ish people use to win any argument with any American

American: Bri'ish people have bad teeth lol

Bri'ish person: Oi bruv 'least I don't 'ave bad 'elfcare loike you stewpid americans. Quite sad innit?

American: Bruh you just used the Free healthcare card

by I love play with my CoC friend June 28, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Free Head Card

Anyone You Show This To Has To Give You Free Head.

Hey look at this! *shows free head card* Aw man, now i gotta give u head

by FaxTalker69420 May 27, 2021

tres reverse card

a card you can use if you run out of dos reverse cards

you: *runs out of dos reverse cards*
you: tres reverse card

by BenSav March 16, 2021