Christ in hell , a word used to describe a high level of anger or fustration
Guy 1: oh Christ that dogs shit on your lawn again
Guy 2: christ in hell that bloody dog wants shooting
I honestly don't think anyone knows what this means but only say it to dilleeon eechay
Mikey: "Mr. Eich, that's booty as hell"
Mr. Eich: "Mikey go to the office."
hell with yourself is usually a southern phrase. it's what you say to another person he or she does something out of the ordinary funny.
that joke was hilarious. you so hell with yourself
A freakin hell of a good show that is worth paying for and every ticket is sold out. the girls have the shirts of and swinging it around dancin with the guys. it is sooo good and everyone is having fun. its is lit
It was a hell show!!
Laundry hell is a laundry situation that has gotten utterly out of control. Huge piles of laundry are in every room. Sometimes even renting a small trailer in order to haul all of the laundry off to the laundry mat seems to be in order. During an extreme case a person could run an entire town out of quarters before it is over.
I've got so much laundry to do I feel like I've died and gone to laundry hell.
a southern term for a person who is always causing problems just for the sake of it.
When someone thinks they are better than their rank in a video game, usually an FPS, but can't get out of it.
People often claim that they are in ELO hell when they think that they're better than they actually are.
person 1: I rank #1 every game and I still can't get a rank up!
person 2: yeah man, you're in ELO hell.