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vagina squirrel

Another name for a beaver. Originally from a cartoon I saw where two beavers aka, "vagina squirrels" preferred this term over the standard "beaver". They felt "beaver" was a tad pejorative.

Hey dude what's that? "Oh just a couple of vagina squirrels building a dam." Shit, basements gonna flood again!

Or perhaps, you'd prefer:

Man, you remember spring break, dude the place was crawling with vagina squirrels, it was so thick, I had them coming out my ears, I had no idea where to begin...

by suki matutso November 7, 2004

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grow a vagina

A great alternative to "grow a pair" or "grow some balls". A phrase largely attributed to Betty White.
Why would anybody want to grow such sensitive organs when babies pass through the vagina nine months after penetration by a penis?

"Why do people say, 'Grow some balls'? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really want to get tough, grow a vagina! Those things take a pounding!" -Betty White.

If someone bitchslaps a man in the balls, he cries and collapses in a heap; if someone bitchslaps a woman in the vulva, it pisses her off royally. It's men who need to woman up and grow a vagina!

by Lorelili November 26, 2011

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Vagina wafer

When you take a wafer(cookie) and stick it in your wet pussy this makes a vaginal wafer

Omg my girls vagina wafers are so good

by Pimpdad July 19, 2018

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Vagina thighs

Legs so fat that you can lube them up and use them instead of a vagina.

"Chrissy, did you have sex last night.". "no, I let him have my vagina thighs instead. He couldn't tell the difference"

by JAW1995 February 18, 2012

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vagina rodeo

A really good time.

Tim is always down for an 'ol fashioned vagina rodeo.

by woebot April 27, 2010

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no vagina person

Anyone who doesn't have a vagina, particularly men. Sports bras for manboobs don't count. Prissy and prude men who fold their napkins when they eat and find the subject of tampons/ other lady products uncomfortable.People not allowed in your shared dorm room upon signing of the roommate agreement during the weekdays after a certain time.

"Hey whose that over there?" Its a no vagina person

by walruscosmo September 19, 2013

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toasted vagina

when you wanna up your pussy game so you put ur vag in a toaster

boy: do you got that toasted vagina?
me: hell fuckin ya

by analdestroyed July 14, 2017

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