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boner biting bastard

An insult similar to cocksucker. Originates from the song "Uncle Fucka," performed by comedians Terrence and Phillip" in the movie "South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut." Considered more offensive than cocksucker in that it is a bit more graphic and calls the person a bastard, implying that the person either was born out of wedlock or is of questionable moral character.

"Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka!
You're a boner biting bastard, uncle fucka!"
-Terrence and Phillip, "Uncle Fucka"

Jamal: "You're a cocksucker."
Evan: "Oh yeah, well you're a nobgobbler."
Jamal: "If you were a dinosaur, they would call you sucksalottacock."
Evan: "Well if your parents could name you again, they'd name you Isaac York-Hawk."
Jamal: "You spend more time on your knees than a Gregorian monk."
Evan: "Well you're a boner biting bastard."
Jamal: "Come on man, that was uncalled for."
Evan: "Yeah, I guess so. Sorry."

by Nicholas D March 15, 2009

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You Delicious Bastard

A colloquial term for a cigarette. Often used affectionately by addicted smokers.

"Cigarettes have finally killed me. Like they killed my father, my father's father, my mother's father, my mother and her father. I just can't seem to give the damn things up. I love them! Sweet...smoky...cigarettes.

*sigh* You Delicious Bastard!"

by deathmetalfan July 12, 2010

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Ol' Dirty Bastard

only the greatest person to ever live

you all remember his hits "shimmy shimmy ya" & "brooklyn zoo"

by nick January 7, 2005

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Prick Ass Bastard

A Sarcastic pain in the ass who gives everyone a hard time. Also, has the ability to turn any phrase heard into a sexual comment. Name given to me, Thanks Jill!

That Prick Ass Bastard turns everything I say into something sexual. What a pain in the ass.

by pstage August 1, 2007

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Horny Bastard

A person who wants to have sexual intercorse with anyone younger them

Named Owen mainly

Did you see that kid over there his name is Owen he’s also know as the horny bastard.

by MrUnionPacific June 6, 2021

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pun bastard

One who finds, at first, an informal audience which appreciates a primarily witty pun, but then plummets them with an apparent backstock of his own homophonic concoctions intended to satisfy his own secret literary longings.

"About the fishing trip, we had a good laugh at the bassinet joke, but I don't think the pun bastard knows when to quit"

by wait,what August 17, 2011

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Poor Bastard Society

A group of men whose lives are made miserable by work/chores and decisions forced upon them by their wives.

After Matt's wife picked out his clothing for the day she "suggested" that he go clean the pool before accompanying her to shop for shoes. Matt wondered if there was a local meeting of the Poor Bastard Society this evening at the country club bar.

by Vivalicious January 4, 2010

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