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A person who idolizes Satan.

"Hey, wanna come and do satanic rituals with us?"
"Hell no, I'm no satanizer."
"Well, you'll be missing out when we all get butt fucked by Satan in Hell!"

by Kimchisse March 20, 2014

satan's cocktail

The mixture of cum and blood when you fuck a girl on her period.

I made satan's cocktail with my girlfriend last weekend.

by Satans Daffodil June 14, 2015

Satan's Mouthwash

The rare term of describing how it feels to temporarily choke on your own spit mid sentence, usually some people use this term in an angry, annoyed way (In an irrational tone of voice)

Random Guy: "Steve, this morning I just got Satan's Mouthwash 3 times!"
Other Random Guy: "That sounds horrible, Alan."

by Another Unused Spoon March 21, 2021

Satan's dumplings

A term for dog faeces

Had the lads over last night, they fed the wife's bedlington terrier 3 bowls of vindaloo, woke up this morning and the kitchen floor is covered with satan's dumplings!

by Big Jack's Bollocks May 11, 2017

Tomato Satan

A rare species of miserable, little man who thinks he's entitled to sexually harassing females and places blame on his sexual confusion/frustration. Often arrogant and believes he's attractive to both genders, oblivious to how repulsive he is to glance upon.

Tomato satans come in a variety of colors, but red is most common. Hence the name tomato satan, due to the red pigmentation often resembling the red of a tomato and also satan.

Other common traits include crooked stature, carelessly talking bad of their friends and family, making any one that ever wasted time on them angry and regretful, disgusting every female they ever knew, becoming a source of far too many inside jokes, and being an overall failure at life.

Don't get involved with a tomato satan for they are extremely toxic and can easily dissolve your social relationships with others.

Girl 1: Wow that guy over there is trying wayyyy to hard to hit on Ben and Ben's not even gay. Wth is going on?
Girl 2: That's a tomato satan for ya...they don't understand no.

by clillaryhinton October 17, 2017

Satan's Jaw

When your std's got your face popping

My mate Vernon got Satan's Jaw last week, what a dickhead

by MILFord Keynes March 13, 2022

Satan's Hotdog

When the penis is resting between two butt cheeks.

Satan's Hotdog is a sin, you either put it in like God intended or don't!

by ReallyDirtyTurtle May 18, 2020